Thursday 2 June 2016

The greatest thing every man and woman should avoid



Hello Friends,

+ Avoid casual LOOK, it may lead to casual Thought

+ Avoid casual THOUGHT, it may lead to casual Touch

+ Avoid casual TOUCH, it may lead to casual Kiss

+ Avoid casual KISS, it may lead to casual Sex

+ Avoid casual SEX, it may lead to casual Pregnancy

+ Avoid casual PREGNANCY, it may lead to Abortion which is MURDER.

# REMEMBER, all MURDERERS are Sinners and will spend their eternity in the
With the Devil.

 Food For Thought
๐Ÿ’ญ Be Wise and Flee for your life now.

๐Ÿƒ๐ŸปFlee every appearances of Evil.



As Nigerians are beginning to celebrate the fading away of the popular terrorist group called Boko Haram which took over the country some years back even though the government is yet to find a lasting solution to this menace, another militant group has emerged in the Niger Delta, calling itself the Joint Niger Delta Liberation Force, JNDLF, and threatening to begin launching six missiles in the region on June 7 in an operation it said would surprise Nigerians and the entire world.

It warned the Nigerian military to peacefully leave Ijaw communities and not attempt to deploy helicopters to the South South zone as it is going to bring them down.

The group, which claimed affiliation to the Niger Delta Avengers, warned that no flight
operations should take place within the country’s airspace as the missiles were
capable of bringing down any aircraft no matter how big.

In a statement signed by General Akotebe Darikoro, Commander, General Duties; General Torunnanaowei Latei, Creeks Network Coordinator; General Agbakakuro Owei-Tauro, Pipelines Bleeding Expert; and General Pulokiri Ebiladei of its Intelligence Bureau, the group said it had observed that President Muhammadu Buhari was bent on breaking up the country and that it was set for the proposal.

The statement reads in full: “We have seen and noted that President Muhammadu Buhari (a.k.a. Pharaoh) is set for the final breakup of the country. Mr. Buhari should also know that we are also prepared and set for his proposal.

The Joint Revolutionary Council (JRC) which is the highest organ of all the
freedom fighting body has finally endorsed the followings:

1. After extensive and exhaustive deliberation by all Commanders of various groups in Yenagoa, the heart of the Niger Delta struggle met last night and as part of our mission, we are going to test six (6) of our MISSILES in the region. This is to show the federal government of our readiness of the American prediction.

2. There should be NO any form of helicopter to fly around in the region as we will not guarantee the safety of such object.

3. The people of the Niger Delta region should not be panic in course of test running the 6 MISSILES.

4. We may also decide within the week to shut down the Nigerian satellite orbit, so that there will be no communication in the country if needs arise.

5. Within our three (3) days operations, NO airplane should fly out of the country because it can target such object no matter how small or big it may be.

6. Our Fighter Expert Team shall be positioned in the six (6) Niger Delta states, who are already arrived the region from training through our country’s porous borders with our foreign partners who are going to showcase what they have learnt in the past one year.

7. Our struggle is not for any HUMAN BLOOD, but we have been pushed to the wall for justice because our patience is running out on a daily basis as Nigerian uniform men are killing our innocent people continuously.

8. Nigerian military should as a matter of urgency leave peacefully the Ijaw
communities they are presently in, the next 48 hours under the guise of searching for the Niger Delta Avengers (NDA) or else we should not be blamed of whatever catastrophe that may befall such officers and the likely affected families of the officers should be blamed not the region.

9. We have consulted our war gods (deities) that enough is enough and that the time has come. Since the present Pharaoh of Nigeria, President Buhari is to preside over the disintegration of the country, it is a good omen.

10. Henceforth, any attack on Ijaw
communities or person(s) by the military or para-military body in the region, we will not
hesitate to order our shoot-at-sight squad of any uniform personnel in the region.

11. We ask all Service Chiefs including Minister of Defence to shamefully resign their positions because Nigeria has no security in whatever form.
Bravo to our Foreign Marine Crack Team for their ability to shut down Nigerian obsolete surveillance equipments.

12. For the records, Niger Delta Avengers (NDA) are not in Delta state, we only go there to strike and return back safely to the
struggle base, Bayelsa state.

13. We further warn especially, Mr. Jonathan Obuebite, Information Commissioner in Bayelsa state not to criticize our activities any longer or else he has a choice of leaving the planet earth anytime he made such statement(s).

14. All oil and gas operations should shut down immediately as our MISSILES testing
will affect their equipments.

15. NOTE, we shall commence MISSILES testing on Tuesday 7, June 2016 which coincides with the date of our training
abroad. Since the present Pharaoh of Nigeria (Buhari) has failed us in our demands, we promise Nigerians and the entire world that we are going to surprise them.

Do we fold our hands to watch and see this group carry out their threats?

What is this country turning into with the latest development?

What do these people want?

How did they manage to acquire this weaponry under the very eyes of our military forces?

 Or did they build it here under our very nose without no intelligence received?

God save us all from this unfolding events in Nigeria.

O God of Creation,
Direct our noble cause
Guide our leaders right,
Help our youths the truth obey...

Isaiah Banjo

Friday 27 May 2016


Relationship and misconceptions

Deception is to think that a man who loves you won't want to touch you. You hear Christian ladies say "if he loves you, he won't even think of having sex with you as a Christian." The truth is, irrespective of a man's status or religious inclinations, once he develops interest in you, the subject of wanting you is already in the wings, even though it may lie dormant."
A man who loves you will definitely want to have sex with you! In fact, the deeper and more intense the love is, the more he wants to consummate his love for you quickly. It is both a natural and a supernatural order, once the mind is there, the body naturally follows.
The difference however between the carnal and spiritual man is that, while they both feel and want the same thing, the spiritual man has control over his mind and body and as such won't want to defy or defile you. The natural man has no such control measures and is liable to follow the direction of his erection.
So if you have been in that relationship for a while and you are both keeping yourselves, don't assume that he is so spiritual that he can't touch you and won't touch you.
The bottom line is this: don't be gullible to the extent that you believe nothing would happen, even if he can speak in tongues from here to the pacific. And watch out for signs- of absolute self-control and respect for you in the area of sex. I am not talking about you affirming this by saying he has never had an erection near you, in this case you even have to be sure he is not suffering from erectile dysfunction. In fact, ask him to go and do a test if your church doesn't normally request for it. Is it as serious as that? Yeah, it is very serious. Don't base your findings on the absence of erection, let it be firmly assured by the conditioning of his heart.
Is he a Christian brother? Watch out for the fear of God in his life, that's what will keep and save you both. Look out for the moment he withdraws his hands and keeps them in his pockets, look out for the periods his breathing becomes heavy and he turns away momentarily from you, look out for the times you are supposed to meet and he cancels your meeting, look out for the fear of God and the restraining ability of the Holy Spirit. In those moments, help him as you can- in demeanor and comportment, dressing and carriage, words and conversations.
But most importantly, help him on your knees. Help him approach heaven from your own end.
Are you thinking that is much work? actually, the benefit is more of yours than his.

Remember if its #God'sWill then you can be assure that it is #GodsDesire